Welcome back StingRAEs! I hope you had a great break. 5th grade parents – there's a lot going on in January. Kindness Crew lunches take place this month, starting with Mrs. Clifford tomorrow and Mrs. Cain on Wednesday! Also, you have just a few more weeks to get those 5th grade Yearbook Ads purchased. See below and on the 5th grade page for more information: https://www.raepta.org/5thgradeinfo
Spring semester brings us the Special Buddies Second Rotation, Father-Daughter Dance, Mother/Son Night, International Festival, Carnival, Hands on Science, Kindness Week, All Pro Dad breakfasts, and so much more. I hope you find a place to help create more memories for yourself and all of our kiddos!
On Feb. 24th, we'll be taking a parent field trip to Austin to rally with PTAs from across Texas and meet with our state representatives, senators, and staff to make clear that public schools need to be a priority during the Legislative Session. Katy Council (a council for all of the KISD PTAs) is chartering a bus, so please consider coming along. Reach out to me for more information. This is our chance to speak for our kids directly to those making the decisions.
Here's to a gRAEt spring semester!
– Gretchen Smith, PTA President