A big thank you to our VP of Fundraising Aryn Newnam for leading and organizing our "Peace, Love, Run" Fun Run, and a HUGE thank you to the dozens of volunteers, our gRAEt admin team, our incRAEdible staff, and our wonderful Officer Garcia, for supporting this event. It truly takes a team! It was heartwarming to see so many families out running, walking, and celebrating together. We are lucky to have such a strong sense of community here.
This week, our focus turns to Red Ribbon Week and encouraging our kiddos to practice kindness – in person and online – and to keep encouraging healthy lifestyles. Red Ribbon Week is a nation-wide drug prevention program with daily themes (see schedule below). We include some anti-bullying at the elementary level to help encourage a culture of kindness and inclusion.
Join us for a Parent Lunch n' Learn on Thursday at 11:30 a.m. as Ms. Rice, our school counselor, leads a Texas PTA program about cyberbullying at the elementary age level. PTA will provide MOD Pizza as Thursday is also our annual MOD Pizza Spirit Day! RSVP below.
Also this week, Reflections Art Contest entries are due. The theme, "Accepting Imperfection," fits right into Red Ribbon Week. This PTA program helps students find their voice through different creative outlets.
Have a gRAEt week!
– Gretchen Smith, PTA President